Friday, March 23, 2012

Review of "Marian's Christmas Wish" by Carla Kelly

Available in e-book and paperback from Beehive Books

Marian's Christmas Wish
by Carla Kelly

Reviewer: Celeste Estes, daughter of the Queen Bee

Genre: Regency Romance
Length: 295 pages

This book was my Christmas present from Keepin' Up with LDS Bookstores blog.  (I won it in a blog giveaway right before Christmas and it arrived in the mail just in time to be under my tree.)

Goodreads Summary: Miss Marian Wynswich is a rather unconventional young lady.  She plays chess, reads Greek, and is as educated as any young man.  And she's certain falling in love is a ridiculous endeavor and vows never to do such a thing.  But everything changes when she receives a Christmas visit from someone unexpected, a young and handsome English lord.

My Thoughts: I just absolutely adored this book!  One of my favorite books in a long time, I loved the humor, romance, and adventure that this book carried me away on at every twist and turn.  Of course I loved the mid-1800's England feel, but I also appreciated that it stepped away from so many of the typical expected themes of a Jane Austen novel.  This book truly kept me guessing until the end, and I just fell in love with the male character in the story. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!


  1. I just finished a book by Carla Kelly (BORROWED LIGHT) and I absolutely loved it. I'll definitely be looking for more from this author.

    1. I felt the same way after reading this book! I need to read Borrowed Light. Thanks for the high recommendation!


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