Friday, July 29, 2011

LDS Bookstore Convention, yay!

Hey, everyone!  Rather than a book review, today I decided to tell you what is going on in our neck of the woods.  My mom (the Queen Bee) and I are busily preparing to go to LDS Bookstore Convention.

Have you ever heard of it?  It is a great opportunity for us to go and connect with LDS vendors and authors.  Also, we get to learn many great things about how to improve our business.

What does the customer want?  What new is coming out?  How can we ourselves be better people and grow closer to our Savior?

These are just a few of the wonderful topics we discuss at Convention.

I am very excited for a fun and satisfying week with my mom in the great Salt Lake City, Utah area.

What did you think of this post?  Would you like more personal posts like this one?

Thanks everyone for following!

Celeste Estes, daughter of the Queen Bee

1 comment:

  1. Great job Celeste - Can't wait to see you and your mom next week - I set up a Twitter Hashtag #ldsba11 so any of your customers that want to follow the action on Twitter can do it with this code. See you soon.


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