Friday, December 7, 2012

"Good King Wenceslas" as read by Jane Seymour with illustrations by Omar Rayyan

I first read this book before sitting down with my family for family home evening.  I was intending to use this book as my lesson, and I had no idea what a treat we were in for.

I felt that this sweet story, with the help of the beautiful artwork, really brought to life for my kids, my husband, and myself the true spirit of Christmas.  My boys who are six and four and who usually have a difficult time sitting still and listening were caught up with all of us in the calm beauty of the moment as we read of a king who, like our Savior, put all others before himself.  It was wonderful.

I recommend this book to anyone, adult or child, as a gentle reminder that Christmas should be more about giving than receiving and that there are people out there who need a lot more than us and who could really benefit from what we have to give them.

Reviewer: Celeste Estes
(I received this book as an e-copy for review purposes.)