Monday, October 31, 2011

An Added Note on Wedding Letters from the Queen Bee

Guess what, everyone?!  THE QUEEN BEE decided to review "The Wedding Letters" by Jason F. Wright too!

Here is her note to me...

I know that you reviewed The Wedding Letters already but I was so impressed with it that I thought my view on it was worth hearing too.

The Wedding Letters written by Jason F. Wright

First there was The Christmas Jars and then Christmas Jars Reunion. Then along came The Wednesday Letters, and now we have The Wedding Letters.

The Wedding Letters is a great twist on The Wednesday Letters. The characters are the same with a few additions, but the book can be a standalone also.

Noah Cooper found love by running into it, literally. While driving and trying to avoid a squirrel he runs into Rachel, and for him it is love at first sight. For Rachel, well, all she could think of was what kind of a person runs over a bicyclist while trying to avoid hitting a squirrel he hit anyway? All seems to be going fine, and marriage is in the near future, until a secret from Rachel’s past sends her running from her future with Noah.

In keeping with the Cooper Family tradition, and despite the fact that the wedding is called off, letters start coming in for the happy couple and are compiled to create a book of wedding letters. These are letters from friends and family and are advice on love, life, and happiness. Can the wedding letters save the wedding?…..You have to read to find out.

Having just married off one of my own daughters, I can say that this tradition would have been great for her, something that she and her new husband would have kept and treasured forever.

Great book, it was definitely worth 2 reviews!!!!!!!

Book Review by Vickie Ricks, the Queen Bee at Beehive Books
Beehive Books Bakersfield
Beehive Books Lancaster

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Wedding Letters, a great sequel to The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright

The Wedding Letters,
a Great Sequel to The Wednesday Letters
by Jason F. Wright

Sold at Beehive Books
In Wedding Letters, Wright carries us on a new adventure of love and self-discovery.  Noah Cooper, grandson of Jack and Laurel (from Wednesday Letters), falls in love with a girl from a family much different from his.  Rachel returns his love but finds out a family secret that threatens her sanity and happiness in general.  Rachel's family relationships coupled with the upcoming selling of the inn, in my opinion, are what make this book fun and exciting.

I really liked this book!  At first I was unsure that anything could compete with Wednesday Letters, but Wright took up the challenge and ran with it.  He did a great job.  I found myself caring about Rachel and wishing I could reach out and hug her.  I worried for and with her.  I would recommend this book to anyone who wants an easy uplifting read and who is or will ever be married.  I loved the marriage advice!!!

Book Review by Celeste Estes, daughter of the Queen Bee

Jason Wright loves to connect with his readers! 

**Visit his page on Facebook: Jason F. Wright Official Fan Page.  

**Here is his blog (looks like he hasn't written in a while, we should help him with that by going on and posting a comment): Life with Jason Wright

**And here is his website:

If that's not enough, here's a great book trailer for The Wedding Letters:

Beehive Books Website